Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Parque Natural of Pucallpa

Yesterday, Saturday, we spent the morning at the local zoo here in town. It was a bit rainy so not
many others there but we were very impressed with the exhibits! All animals from the Amazon
rainforest and many of them very active inside their exhibits. There was even an Amazon parrot that
entertained us by saying loudly to us, "Hola!" and then he would give a big belly laugh.

The photo is Koleman going through the entrance of the zoo...a big jaguar mouth.


Friday, April 18, 2014

On the Banks of the Ucayali River

The city of Pucallpa is situated right on the banks of the Ucayali River, which is a tributary of
the Amazon River. Yesterday afternoon we went downtown with Alfredo and Maruja Portugal (our hosts)
as well as Kenan and Vanessa Ketcham and their kids to see an open market right on the river's edge.


Our Digs in Pucallpa

The house with the red wall is where we and Mr. and Mrs. Portugal live. We have a family living on
the second floor above us, two families behind our building, and then neighbors on both sides! We
are thankful for a place to stay where we can focus on improving our communication in the Spanish


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Koleman at School

Every once in a while in Koleman's class of five-year olds things are pretty calm and work is
actually done! Rebecca was able to shoot a picture when this was happening.

Koleman is still pretty quiet in class but is hearing A LOT of Spanish. He kind of begrudgingly
posed with his teacher for a photo, too!

Although, there are educational activities for the kids to do at school, our biggest hope is that
Koleman will benefit by learning some Spanish. After our time here in town is finished and we are
situated back in a village, Rebecca plans to continue on with home schooling for Koleman.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Meet the Ketchams!

We are no longer the only members of the Pioneers Ash team in Peru! Kenan and Vanessa Ketcham, along with their two daughters, Kaedith and Kayli, are now part of our missionary team. Kenan and Vanessa will be our supply buyers in town as well as doing a myriad of other things to help support us while we are out in the village. Kenan and I go WAY back as we both attended the same school for missionary children in Brazil. We are excited about having the Ketchams on our team!!

Pray for them as they spend three months back in the USA this summer to try to raise their financial support. Pray for more contacts for them as they plan road trips and meetings across the USA.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Koleman's First Day of School

School has begun! Koleman was a bit wary of this idea of attending Peruvian school, but with Mommy by his side he was willing to give it a try. His first morning of school went well and though he didn't try to talk to any of the other kids in his class, many of them loved talking to Koleman. Koleman's favorite part is riding the motokar to and from school. We have contracted a Christian fellow to show up every morning at around 7:45 to take Koleman to school and then around 11:00 a.m. to bring him back to the house. We are not sure right now how long Rebecca will accompany Koleman. She might for the duration as it is a good Spanish learning time for her, too!

The motokar is like a large motorized tricycle of sorts. They are EVERYWHERE in this town and the number one way to get around. The traffic can seem chaotic but as long as everyone goes with the flow, few accidents happen.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Arriving in Peru!

After a 7-hour flight from Newark to Lima we were glad to touch down and enjoy a day in the beautiful city of Lima, Peru. This was our first time in Lima. Close to where we were staying there was a dog park and Koleman got to know one of the dogs that was always there! Ha!